Carrotseed West Indies (Daucus carota)
A close cousin to the common edible carrot, Carrot Seed oil is derived from a herb with a small, inedible white root.
The seeds are collected and distilled to produce the essential oil. It is typically yellow or amber in color and has a very pleasant sweet, earthy and dry aroma.
Mentally, it can increase our creativity and passion for life.
Carrot Seed oil is a great healer for all kinds of skin issues as well as for keeping skin supple and increasing its elasticity.
It contains cellular regenerating, anti-oxidants, that are helpful for a variety of issues, including scars, boils, eczema and psoriasis.
It is also wonderful to add to unscented creams or lotions for mature, aging skin as it helps tone the skin, increases elasticity and can help prevent and diminish wrinkles.
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