Sage Dalmatian Yugoslavia (Salvia officinalis)

An evergreen shrubby herb that grows up to 80 cms tall and a mass of deep blue or violet flowers.

A Fresh, yet spicy herbal aroma is soothing and calming.

Sage is found around the world in dry, hot areas. Sage was popular with the Chinese and Romans. The Chinese believed it cured sterility and the Romans thought it cured almost every thing. The Romans knew it as “herba sacra” or the sacred herb. The root word means “to save or to heal”. It was popular as a nerve tonic in the Middle Ages and was used as a tea in England.

Sage is particularly good for mouth and throat infections, wounds and headaches. Sage can be put in gargles and mouthwashes, (do not swallow) and should be diluted in water to a very low concentration. 

As massage oil, use it for men with very tense muscles. Sage is very warming and penetrating to the muscles and has a softening effect on the muscles, which have been over-developed.

It will induce menstruation, assist in childbirth, has a normalizing effect for late or scanty periods and helps during the onset of menopause. It imitates estrogen and helps regulate menstruation.


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